Ladies and gents, gather 'round as I take you on a journey back to the roaring twenties, a time of clandestine revelry and secret rendezvous. I'm Laurent Perrier, your humble stage manager at The Bourbon Alley. Now, if you're lookin' to escape the watchful eves of those pesky Prohibition enforcers and find yourself immersed in the allure of our speakeasy, here's the trick. Head on down To The Front door of THE BOURBON ALLEY FLOWER SHOP @ 115 E Tyler st suite 102 downtown Longview. Step inside the shop and enter through the hanging flowers, then you will be granted access to a world of forbidden delights. So, put on your finest threads and prepare to step into a world where the spirits flow and the music swings, all hidden away from prying eyes in the heart of The Bourbon Alley.